How to Treat Cat That Legs Hurt

Hi Meo Friends!, have you ever had a cat that was previously healthy and actively moving and then suddenly turned into a quiet and more often say "meo-me" as if asking for mercy? If yes then it could be something bad happened to your cat.

How to Treat Cat That Legs Hurt

These characteristics can occur due to injuries suffered by cats, one of which is sprained in the foot. If observed, when the cat walks then the meo will walk limp or even do not want to move at all and prefer to relax somewhere with a mood gloomy.

The sprains experienced by cats are not the same as broken bones. If a broken bone, the cat is completely unwilling or even unable to move or the limbs look hanging limp, whereas if a cat sprain can still move but limp. For the case of a broken bone then the meo should be immediately taken to the pet, while the sprain can still be tried with their own treatment at home.

Well, to treat your own cat sprained feet can you do it the easy way as follows:

  1. Make sure the cat keeps eating and drinking. Because the pain in the cat will not eat at all. Give with soft food and drink with a syringe if necessary.
  2. Put the cat in a safe place or enclosed in order not to move much.
  3. If you want to try a natural remedy, you can grate the ginger and lemongrass, smear it on the sprained part and wrap it in a cloth.
  4. Give high-protein foods such as chicken or meat to speed healing.
  5. Should not massage alone, just compress the sick with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  6. When the cat sleeping, do not wake the cat or avoid turning on the radio / tv with excessive sound
  7. Cat sprain usually will heal itself within 3 - 7 days up to two weeks.
Well, easy enough not to treat the leg of a crippled cat limp or sprain, hopefully your cat soon healed and can be agile as before, love your cat yes, Meo Friends!


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