
Showing posts from April, 2018

How To Treat Cat Diarrhea

Hi Meo-friend, on this occasion I want to share information about How to Treat Cat Diarrhea. But before that, you must know what causes cat diarrhea. As Cat lovers and keepers of course we also must be know and give attention to our pet. Well here are the Causes of Mild Cat Diarrhea 1. Food Do you often change the cat's food type? If yes, it could be the cause, what else if given the leftover food. Remember, the cat is sensitive digestive so as much as possible select food that is comfortable for the cat and hygienic as much as possible. 2. Drinks Do not be careless in choosing a drink for the cat, one of the factors that cause cat diarrhea is because many who provide unhygienic drinking water. But even though it is given a hygienic drink sometimes the cats are also still drinking water outside the house that we do not know hygienic or not, so as much as possible keep your cat yes. Cat dairy products should also be picky because the cat is hard to digest lactose.

Train The Cat to Defecate or Urinate Nicely

Hi Meo-Friends, on this occasion I share about Cat Training Tips, Teach Your Cat to Defecate in Place, in general there are some powerful tips and you can practice, such as: 1. Giving scheduled food This is a good way to predict that meo will use a box of dirt. For kittens usually require 20 minutes after meals to dispose of feces or urine. Well when it's around that time, bring him closer to the dirt box. 2. Use different sand products Try a variety of sand products to find out what your cat likes. Continue whether the cat prefers the "just sand" or likes a "fragrant sand". 3. Replace the sand slowly If it is necessary to change the type of sand, try to change slowly from one sand to another by mixing the new sand with the old one and slowly increasing the amount of "new" sand in a period of about two weeks. 4. Recognize the behavior of the cat Take a look at the cat's behavior when meo look like have a need to shit, as like poking

How to Treat Cat That Legs Hurt

Hi Meo Friends!, have you ever had a cat that was previously healthy and actively moving and then suddenly turned into a quiet and more often say "meo-me" as if asking for mercy? If yes then it could be something bad happened to your cat. These characteristics can occur due to injuries suffered by cats, one of which is sprained in the foot. If observed, when the cat walks then the meo will walk limp or even do not want to move at all and prefer to relax somewhere with a mood gloomy. The sprains experienced by cats are not the same as broken bones. If a broken bone, the cat is completely unwilling or even unable to move or the limbs look hanging limp, whereas if a cat sprain can still move but limp. For the case of a broken bone then the meo should be immediately taken to the pet, while the sprain can still be tried with their own treatment at home. Well, to treat your own cat sprained feet can you do it the easy way as follows: Make sure the cat keeps eating and