12 Things You Should Know About Cat

They're cute and furry,cats will always be fascinating creatures.
So here are some facts about cats you may find interesting.

1. Black cats are considered lucky in some culture

In Asia and Europe, black cats bring wealth, bless mariages,
keep homes safe, and protect sailors

2. Cats can't taste sweet foods

Cats have always been known as picky eaters. Unline dogs,
who seem to devour just about any food you put before them.
Occasionally you might run across a kitty who does eat fruit,
cake, ice cream, marshmellows or some other super-sweet food.
But that doesn't mean your cat can actually taste sweetness.
However, that cats can taste things we cannot, such as adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)

3. Cats front paws have 5 toes, but the back paws have 4 toes

As you know, cats usually have 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on
their back pawn. Having 5 toes is actually the normal number for
most animals with backbones and 4 legs. Some cats have extra toes.
This is caused by a dominant gene, meaning that they can have extra
 toes even if they only get that gene from one parent.

4. Their brains are 90% similar to ours

Cats are incredibly smart. And they think for themselves, which,
to some humans reads as being duller than dogs. To the contrary,
cats simply do not engage in tasks that they don’t see as rewarding
to them, and they will choose to spend their time (the remaining
eight hours of the day in which they aren’t asleep) on something

5. Cats spends 2/3 of their lives sleeping

Cats can sleep as much as 16 hours a day, and older cats spend
even more time at rest as much as 20 hours a day. Cats are usually
“crepuscular” means that they are mostly active during dawn and
the dusk.

6. Cats have more than 100 different vocal sounds

Cats seem to possess more than 100 vocal sounds,while dogs
only have about ten. The most common are meows, hissing and
of course purring. Each sound also has a unique purpose.

7. A cat's sense of smeel is approximately 14 times greaterthan that of human

Cats have 200 million scent receptors in their nasal cavity.Your
cat’s sense of smell guides them to prey, tells if food is edible
or toxic, tells them where you’ve been, and even helps them find
their home if they gets lost.

8. A cat can jump approximately seven times its height

Most domestic cats can typically jump up to 6 times their own
height. This means a healthy, agile one foot tall cat can be expected
to jump up to six feet!

9. On average cats live for around 12 to 15 years

Cats are living longer than ever. With improvements in nutrition and veterinary medicine including vaccines and therapeutic agents, cats are living to over 15 years of age and in some cases over 20 years of age. Life expectancy depends on many things, including one important factor - whether your cat is an indoor-only cat or an outdoor cat.

10. Cats spend a large amount of time licking their coats to keep them clean

It comes as no surprise to anyone that grooming has hygienic
benefits. It helps eliminate parasites, keep the cat's coat clean
and smooth, cool the cat down through evaporation of saliva,
and stimlate glands attached to hair roots that secrete substances
to keep hair water-proofed

11. Cats really don't care to listen to you

However Cats, unlike dogs, have not been domesticated to obey
humans orders.They heard a human calling, 50 to 70 percent of
the cats turned their heads and 30 percent moved their ears.

12. Not all cats love catnip

Not every cat will react to catnip. Most say that it is a
dominant gene so 70-75% of cats will respond to catnip,
but it is important to note that kittens under 6 weeks of
age will probably not respond no matter what their genes say.

13. Cats are better hunters than dogs

There's no doubt about it, cats are much better hunters than
dogs are. Left to their own devices (and plenty of rodents to hunt),
most cats could feed themselves if they had to. Dogs have been
known to hunt, but they have to do it in groups, while cats can
hunt all on their own.

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