If you have a cat in your house, you are lucky. Because..

Have you a cat in your house?
Well if you have, you guys lucky. Because there are many good things you should know.
As I say, this 5 following good things, is a reason why a cat could make you lucky.

1. The cat can decrease heart attack

Keeping a cat can make you feel good. That make all your problems just gone at time. It's like everything gonna be alright, no more stressday, no more depressionday, and what about heart attack? Just never mind of it.

2. The cat can help a autistic children

Based on research at Missouri University, that found when autistic children interact with a pet -which one is a cat-, their interact ability is increasing.
Mmm, despite your kids is not an autistic children, I saw that point "Interact ability is increasing". That was good for your kids.

3. The cat purr can heal aching bones, sore muscle, and make lower blood pressure

Do you ever hear a cat purr? What unexpected, cat purr have many benefits to you.
Cat purr can help to heal, especially aching bones, sore muscle, and high blood pressure.
The frequency of cat purr is about 20 Hz that can give therapy to bone, muscle, and heart.

4. The cat can decrease allergy risk

If you have a pet in house, that will be habituate you with the thing that little dirty. So, your body will increase immune system. And allergy risk is something that far away from you.

5. The cat make healthy soul

Have you seen the cat running around? Or seen it playing a rope?
That so relaxing by looking the cat doing. Better feelings like that will keep your soul healthy, i mean your mentality. Don't be crazy just because the world stressing you, feels fun.
So, you just know few thing what makes you lucky if you have a cat in house. Now, promise me that you will not ever hurt a cat, and also not ever abandon a cat.


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