Effective Ways to Reduce Cat Smells in Your House

A cat is a cute animal, so no wonder if many people like to keep it as a pet. But there are things you need to know, keeping a cat can make the room in your house so smelly. For that, you need to take some action to reduce the smell.

To be more effective, ways to reduce the smell of cats were divided according to the cause.

The first cause: cat litter

If the scattering odor comes from your cat litter, you should do the following tips

A. Keep it Clean

The smell that comes from cat litter box does sting and make the room becomes uncomfortable occupied,

For that you need to do the following five tips:

1. Scoop the feces in the litter box
Cat feces which left is potentially making the smell even more, so it would be nice if you scoop the feces earlier and often to reduce smell.

2. Replace the sand litter box routinely
Sand litter box will automatically absorb the odor from the dirt,
And when the cat shitting and shitting again.
The sand litter would be unable to absorb the odor anymore.
Then the stench of shit will fly everywhere and fill your room,
So that, routinely replace the sand litter box with a new one and the smell of dirt would be reduced.
Ideally, sand litter box is replaced if it has 2/3 parts exposed to dirt.

3. Using the right sand litter box

Selection of the type of sand litter box affects the level of smell that spreads,

Large sized sand litter boxes have more air cavities, instead the small size that is quite tight.
The more thight the sand litter, the more it can bind the dirt well.
But do not choose a too small sand, because it so easily scattered, it easily sticks on cat's soles.
And also the dust of sand can interfere with cats breathing

4. Using the open litter box

By using an open litter box, it make the air circulation becomes fresh, so the smell was not too thick.

5. Washing litter box more frequently

Regularly replace the sand is still not maximal if the container is not washed as well, because some dirt and cat pee also have a stick, you should also clean the container.
Provide two litter boxes so that when one is washed your cat can still use the other litter box.

B. Remove dirt and instantly clean (if cat litter is scattered on your carpet or couch)

If your cat throws dirt on the floor or carpet or couch just lift the dirt, and clean the traces. As we know if cat litter is left too long then the smell will be very sting.
To clean up a scattered cat litter you can do this:

1. Scoop the cat litter
Scoop the cat litter carefully, try not to get extend.
2. Wipe first with a tissue
After cat litter is removed, then wipe it first with a tissue or duster. This is to make sure that no cat feces are left.
3. Wash with water
So that the dirt that still attached can dissolve and easy to clean.
4. Wash with floor cleaner / carbolic / bleach
Its function is to make the smell of dirt gone, and also to keep your floor cleaner maximum. After that rub with a damp cloth/mop
5. Dry
Can with hairdrier or with a dry cloth.

The second cause: from the cat's cage

If the odor that comes from the cat cage, then the things you need to consider are as follows:

  • Frequently cleaning the cage,
  • Spray with disinfectant,
  • Cage circulation should be fresh,
  • Use a wide hollow cage,
  • Using things that can reduce the smell (the leaves, coffee powder, baking soda, bowl vinegar).
  • Put some plants that can reduce the smell, put the perfume room

The third cause: from the cat itself

Sometimes there is a cat which its body is smelly, so it makes people uncomfortable if near the cat. Well, do not let your lovely cat be smelly, do this!

  • Bathing the cat
  • Doing Grooming
  • Routine cleaning cat hair loss on the carpet floor or sofa

There ways that you can practice to reduce the cat smell in your house.
Happy Trying!



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